VSAR assists with rescue near Lake Country after man injured in ATV accident
16 volunteers with Vernon Search and Rescue were called to assist members of BC Ambulance Saturday night, after a man sustained significant injuries rolling his ATV near Haddo Lake east of Lake Country.
VSAR search manager Coralie Nairn says two people were sharing an ATV, scoping out future hunting spots, when the bank they were going up slid out from under them, causing the rollover.
“The second individual was able to jump clear, but the operator was not, and the ATV rolled over him causing his injuries,” said Nairn. “He was trapped underneath it as it rolled overtop of him.”
The accident happened in a remote location with no cellphone service. The second occupant of the ATV set out to find help, before finding someone who was able to find service to call for a rescue.
“The team that was with him was actually prepared. They had stabilized him as much as they could and lit a fire to keep him warm and went to get help,” said Nairn.“When we showed up, we were able to access him, stabalize him further for transport, then we loaded him onto a stretcher and rescue-bogan and towed him behind an ATV where we were able to meet paramedics on the forest service road.”
The call came in at about 10 p.m. Saturday, and volunteers with VSAR were sent home at around 4 in the morning. Nairn adds that despite the operator of the ATV being in a great deal of pain, he remained in good spirits.
“Our patient was a trooper, he handled it like a champ” said Nairn. “I think he’ll make the full recovery, there’s just going to be some healing time as he had suffered significant injuries.”
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